ATI Essentials Pro 1 & 2 5,000ml
More than a basic dose
ATI Essentials Pro goes beyond your normal 2 part solution for your aquarium’s needs. ATI Essentials provides all of your aquarium’s elemental requirements in one easy to use system – a simple approach to a complicated problem. Simply dose the solutions in equal parts and your tank will be provided with 28 essential elements.
Easy solution to a complex problem
Beyond the basics
In addition to the calcium, magnesium and carbonates provided in basic supplements, ATI Essentials contains 25 additional essential elements necessary for coral growth and coloration.
Usable straight from the bottle
Essentials Pro is a laboratory quality concentrate that can be diluted* or dosed directly from the bottle, giving you the flexibility to choose the dosing style that is right for your tank.
- Diluting Essentials Pro offers you more protection from accidental overdose caused by siphon or other issues.
Equal doses of #1 and #2 bottles
ATI Essentials Pro gives you complete trace element coverage without having to dose each one individually.
Most users of ATI Essentials Pro will dose each part of the system equally. There are no complicated ratios to remember, or calculations to redo every time you test your tank.