Aquatop – Forza DC Wave Maker Power Head Pump – 2113gph, 3434gph
The Aquatop DCSW-2113 DC Wave Maker Pump operates on just 10-watts of DC power to move as much as 2,113-gph. It is best suited to tanks from 30 to 90 gallons.
The Aquatop DCSW-3434 DC Wave Maker Pump operates on just 20-watts of DC power to move as much as 3,434-gph. It is best suited to tanks from 50 to 200 gallons.
- SMART LED CONTROLLER with 6 different wave modes and 20 different flow rate settings
- FEEDING PAUSE SETTING provides a 10-minute flow pause
- AUTOMATIC NIGHT MODE detects darkness and slows pump until daylight, if selected
- SUPER QUIET operation and saves energy compared to AC pumps
- POWERFUL MAGNETIC MOUNT keeps pumps where you put them
- LINK 2 PUMPS WIRELESSLY by designating a designated master controller