Copper Sailfin Molly – Poecilia latipinna
The Copper Sailfin Molly is a dazzling livebearer known for its metallic copper body and magnificent sail-like dorsal fin. Its hardy nature and stunning appearance make it a popular choice for aquarists of all experience levels.
• Common Name: Copper Sailfin Molly
• Scientific Name: Poecilia latipinna
• Family: Poeciliidae
• Maximum Size: 3-5 inches (7-13 cm)
Aquarium Setup:
• Tank Size: Minimum 20 gallons (75 liters)
• Water Parameters:
• Temperature: 72-82°F (22-28°C)
• pH: 7.0-8.5
• Hardness: Moderately hard to hard (10-25 dGH)
• Substrate: Sand or fine gravel with plenty of plants and open swimming areas.
Care Level:
• Difficulty: Easy; suitable for beginners.
• Diet: Omnivorous; thrives on flakes, pellets, algae wafers, and occasional live or frozen foods like brine shrimp or bloodworms.
• Tankmates: Peaceful; compatible with other mollies, guppies, platys, and small to medium-sized community fish.
Behavior and Aquascaping:
Copper Sailfin Mollies are lively swimmers and thrive in well-planted aquariums with floating plants for shade. They prefer clean, slightly alkaline water and can adapt to brackish environments if needed.
Additional Tips:
• Regular water changes help maintain optimal water quality.
• A varied diet enhances their vibrant coloration and promotes robust health.
• These fish are prolific breeders, so separate males and females if breeding is not desired.